Monthly Archives: December 2019

I stand still, nothing happens and I’m surprised. Why am I still surprised?

I stand still, nothing happens and I’m surprised. Why am I still surprised?

Fluff. A lot of fluff.

I go from one thing to the next

Searching, always searching.

I can’t find it

What was it I was looking for again?

I used to be able to write about anything

Now I just, idk, maybe I don’t feel anything anymore.

TBI ruined everything, …maybe not everything…

Oh who am I kidding; it ruined a lot of stuff, but not everything.

I lost

You’ve won

Let me go now!

Away from your judging stare.

I can’t write the same

Nothing seems to flow anymore

Second guessing everything

I go from one thing to the next searching

I’m in search of something that is always out of reach

But what is it?

That thing

What is it!

Where is it!?

It’s not fair that I can’t think the way you do

It’s not fair that I don’t think at all

This is infuriating!

I am thinking of course!

I’m scared